3PL provider services. Transportation management, accounting and inventory management, preparation of import-export and freight documentation, warehousing, cargo handling, delivery to the end user

The complex of AGROCARGO logistics services includes:

Safe storage
Processing and pre-sale preparation
Order Management
Cargo delivery
Additional services

Our advantages:

  • Reduction of costs for the complex logistics organization
  • Efficiency and regularity of transportation
  • Warehouse complex within the III compartment equipped with modern equipment with the ability to maintain temperature regime from +18 to -24
  • Veterinary support
  • Own fleet of more than 100 units of various load capacity vehicle equipped with multi-temperature devices
  • Adaptation of warehouse processes to the client specifics
  • Preparation of accompanying documentation
  • High level of specialists’ competence
  • Service availability – 24 hours a day 365 days a year

AGROCARGO route network:

On the territory of the Russian Federation
Delivery across the Russian Federation territory to federal networks, large-scale processing of raw materials
To the CIS countries
As well as to the countries of the Customs Union
EU countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece...
Key ports of the Russian Federation
Novorossiysk, Ust-Luga, Vostochny Port, Primorsk, Murmansk and others
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