Dear partner, AGROCARGO has developed a program of fair and transparent investments for you, allowing you to receive an annual return of 18 to 23%.


The AGROCARGO platform and its affiliated companies have a large number of contracts with leading agricultural and food industry manufacturers in the country, which provides:
  • A large flow of applications
  • Wide geographical coverage
  • Low empty mileage ratio
  • Tariffs covering operational costs
This allows us to provide a high return on investment in the equipment you acquire with subsequent transfer of the purchased asset to the operational management of AGROCARGO Group.

    Investment schemes


    Investment calculation

    Stages of Interaction:

    • 1 Submit documents for the company and the vehicle (if applicable) and wait for document verification.
    • 2 Our experts will assess the condition of the vehicle.**
    • 3 Receive the conclusion on investment suitability.
    • 4 Sign the agreement for transfer to operational control.
    • 5 Primary repair at AGROCARGO group's own service centers, as an advance payment for future payments.**
    • 6 Monthly investment report on the vehicle.
    • 7 Monthly calculation and payment of income from the transferred vehicle under operational management.
    ** (for used equipment)

    We are members of the ATS Charter and the AIC Charter

    The Charter's mission
    The Charter's mission
    Restoration of fair competition in the entire market of freight transportation by road, formation of an intolerant attitude towards companies that violate tax, administrative and industry legislation of the Russian Federation
    The Charter's mission
    The Charter's mission
    Restoration of fair competition in the entire agricultural market and the formation of an intolerant attitude towards companies that violate the tax legislation of the Russian Federation
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