AGROCARGO is a unique platform of logistics solutions in the agriculture field. It allows to reduce costs and increase profits by automating the search for the best price on the market for each offer.
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Cargo owners
AGROCARGO helps to speed up the process of cargo transportation. A huge number of carriers. Electronic document management. Verified users. AGROCARGO is a multipurpose tool for obtaining maximum benefits in the area of cargo transportation.
  • Register
    It's easy and will take less than 5 minutes
  • Get accredited
    Upload documents and get maximum protection
  • Place a request
    Send and receive commercial offers
  • Find a carrier
    Get the best deals from carriers
  • Order progress
    Wait for the cargo to be delivered to the destination
  • Register
  • Register
    t's easy and will take less than 5 minutes
  • Add a vehicle
    Upload documents and get maximum protection
  • Add a driver
    Send and receive commercial offers
  • Get accredited
    Get the best deals from carriers
  • Pick up the cargo
    Wait for the cargo to be delivered to the destination
  • Deliver the cargo
    Send and receive commercial offers
  • Register
AGROCARGO helps to receive orders with minimum free mileage. The automatic algorithm ensures maximum loading along the entire route of the vehicle. AGROCARGO is a convenient tool for receiving orders for transportation.

We are members of the ATS Charter and the AIC Charter

The Charter's mission
The Charter's mission
Restoration of fair competition in the entire market of freight transportation by road, formation of an intolerant attitude towards companies that violate tax, administrative and industry legislation of the Russian Federation
The Charter's mission
The Charter's mission
Restoration of fair competition in the entire agricultural market and the formation of an intolerant attitude towards companies that violate the tax legislation of the Russian Federation


Как происходит транспортировка охлажденного и замороженного мяса
Перевозка охлажденного и замороженного мяса – важный этап в цепи поставок продуктов питания. Правильная упаковка и надежное размещение в кузове авто – это критические факторы для поддержания качества, а также безопасности продукта во время перевозки. Неверное размещение или неправильная температура...
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